Study a foreign language with idiomatic expressions to reach a new level of communication!
This fancy apartment sits just a stone’s throw from the Élysée Palace
Don't worry about it, there are plenty more fish in the sea, you will have other opportunities
I'm dark-haired but I would prefer being blond. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
Have you heard about Henry? They sent him up the river for 3 years
Workers complained that the union sold them down the river in the latest contract negotiations
The police finally figured out that he was barking up the wrong tree, and started searching for a new suspect
This report is so disorganized that I can't see the wood for the trees
One way of educate their children is telling them that money does not grow on trees
Elon Musk and his father may be estranged but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
As the sun peeked through the mountains this morning a new day began
I guess you have still time but make the hay while the sunshine
It's hard to promise the moon when the sun is setting on Ohio's financial horizon
When it will end to bark at the moon, it seems a Ozzy Osbourne's song